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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

H(APP)Y Nurses

Mobile applications move to the hands of healthcare professionals

Communication network developer, Avaya has recently unveiled a iOS tool designed for health care professionals. Mobile Activity Assistant (MAA) provides a system of secure communication throughout the hospital using a text message format effectively allowing nurses to send and receive call alerts on patient conditions. The application eliminated the liability of nurses having to leave a patient and run back and forth to the nursing station, responding to alerts.

"Nurses did not have enough time to spend on direct patient care because they [were] spending a lot of time on other things like documentation and walking around," said Sanjeev Gupta, general manager of Avaya Healthcare Solutions. "They want to be able to get all communications while they're on the move, so they can spend more time with the patients rather than rushing back to the nursing station."

The APP can be downloaded and used on a personal device as long as its running on the hospitals secured Wi-Fi network. Many hospital professionals including doctors, nurses and therapisits can now all be networked on a shared patient’s status.

The application, initially designed for use on Apple products like the iPad, will eventually be compatible on other devices, like Android.